Effective measures to stamp out child pornography online must be introduced in the wake of the murder of April Jones, the NSPCC has warned.
The warning comes as the schoolgirl’s parents revealed they believe killer paedophile Mark Bridger will never reveal where their daughter’s body is.
Former slaughterhouse worker Bridger was jailed for life without parole yesterday after being found guilty of the murder and abduction of April on October 12 last year.
He was condemned by a judge as a cruel and calculating pervert who killed the five-year-old to live out a sexual fantasy after downloading and viewing obscene images of children online.
The case adds to growing evidence of a link between child porn and committing other serious sexual assaults, Phillip Noyes, NSPCC acting chief executive, said.
Earlier this month, Stuart Hazell was jailed for 38 years for the murder of 12-year-old Tia Sharp having searched for child porn online.

‘It seems Bridger lived in a fantasy world which included looking at child abuse images online,’ said Noyes.
‘For some time we have been concerned about the growing number of these obscene images which are becoming more easily available and can fuel the fantasies of offenders like Bridger.
‘This case points to the ever-growing evidence that there is a worrying link between looking at this vile kind of material and committing other serious sexual assaults.
‘April’s death will hopefully lead to effective measures to stamp out this vile trade.’

Jim Sheridan, who sits on the Commons culture committee, added: ‘I know it’s extremely difficult to ban it (but) I think with the political will and the technology, if you can do it, we should be doing it.’
Meanwhile April’s parents, Paul and Coral Jones, said they believe ‘there is no way’ Bridger will reveal where their daughter’s body is.
‘It’s the not knowing that’s the hardest part. It’s my worst nightmare come true,’ said Mrs Jones in an interview with the Sun.
- BEST QUALITY AVAILABLE. Handout Dyfed-Powys Police image of Mark Bridger at council offices. Former slaughterhouse worker Mark Bridger has been found guilty of abducting and murdering five year old April Jones. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Issue date: Thursday May 30, 2013. See PA story COURTS April. Photo credit should read: Dyfed-Powys Police/PA Wire NOTE TO EDITORS: This handout photo may only be used in for editorial reporting purposes for the contemporaneous illustration of events, things or the people in the image or facts mentioned in the caption. Reuse of the picture may require further permission from the copyright holder.
- Mark Bridger leaves Mold Crown Court after he was given a whole life sentence for the abduction and murder of schoolgirl April Jones. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Picture date: Thursday May 30, 2013. See PA story COURTS April. Photo credit should read: Peter Byrne/PA Wire
- Undated file handout photo issued by Dyfed-Powys Police of April Jones. Former slaughterhouse worker Mark Bridger has been found guilty of abducting and murdering schoolgirl April Jones.: Dyfed-Powys Police/PA Wire
- Mark Bridger and dog (Picture: PA)
- Courts artist impression dated 22/5/2013 by Elizabeth Cook of Mark Bridger, 47, of Ceinws, mid-Wales and Defence QC Brendan Kelly during his testimony at Mold Crown Court. Former slaughterhouse worker Bridger has been found guilty of abducting and murdering schoolgirl April Jones. Elizabeth Cook/PA Wire
- Mark Bridger in what was once his Facebook profile picture (Picture: PA)
- Undated handout photo issued by Dyfed Powys Police of the bathroom in the home of Mark Bridger. Former slaughterhouse worker Bridger has been found guilty of abducting and murdering schoolgirl April Jones.: Dyfed-Powys Police/PA Wire
- Dyfed-Powys Police undated handout photo of the burnt knife recovered from the property in Ceinws. Former slaughterhouse worker Mark Bridger has been found guilty of abducting and murdering schoolgirl April Jones. Dyfed-Powys Police/PA Wire
- April Jones was abducted by Mark Bridger while she played outside her house last October (Picture: PA)
- Undated handout Dyfed-Powys Police imgae of former slaughterhouse worker Mark Bridger in custody. Bridger has been found guilty of abducting and murdering schoolgirl April Jones.: Dyfed-Powys Police/PA Wire
- Undated handout Dyfed-Powys Police imgae of former slaughterhouse worker Mark Bridger in custody. Bridger has been found guilty of abducting and murdering schoolgirl April Jones. Dyfed-Powys Police/PA Wire
- Handout Dyfed-Powys Police image of April Jones in Leisure Centre on October 1, 2012. Former slaughterhouse worker Mark Bridger has been found guilty of abducting and murdering the schoolgirl.: Dyfed-Powys Police/PA Wire
- Handout Dyfed-Powys Police image of April Jones in Leisure Centre on October 1, 2012. Former slaughterhouse worker Mark Bridger has been found guilty of abducting and murdering the schoolgirl. Dyfed-Powys Police/PA Wire
- File photo dated 7/10/2012 of Police at the home of Mark Bridger, as the hunt for missing April Jones continues around Machynlleth, mid Wales. Former slaughterhouse worker Mark Bridger has been found guilty of abducting and murdering schoolgirl April Jones. : Tim Ireland/PA Wire
- File photo dated 2/10/2012 of the house where April Jones lives in Machynlleth. Former slaughterhouse worker Mark Bridger has been found guilty of abducting and murdering schoolgirl April Jones. Rui Vieira/PA Wire
- File photo dated 5/10/2012 of Search and rescue teams continuing their search on the River Dyfi in Machynlleth, Mid Wales, for missing five-year-old April Jones. Former slaughterhouse worker Mark Bridger has been found guilty of abducting and murdering schoolgirl April Jones. Peter Byrne/PA Wire
- Dyfed-Powys Police undated handout photo of the Land Rover used by 46-year-old Mark Bridger. Former slaughterhouse worker Bridger has been found guilty of abducting and murdering schoolgirl April Jones. Dyfed-Powys Police/PA Wire
- Undated photo of the birth certificate of former slaughterhouse worker Mark Bridger who has been found guilty of abducting and murdering schoolgirl April Jones. Philip Toscano/PA Wire
- Mark Bridger has been told he will never be released (Picture: PA)
- A police team search land for April Jones as part of the biggest search in British policing history (Picture: Tim Ireland/PA Wire)
- Undated handout photo issued by Dyfed Powys Police of the lounge in the home of Mark Bridger. Former slaughterhouse worker Bridger has been found guilty of abducting and murdering schoolgirl April Jones. Dyfed-Powys Police/PA Wire
- File photo dated 16/5/2013 of DC Fred Hunter from the media crime unit holding a bike belonging to April Jones’ friend, (who cannot be named), in Mold, north Wales, as the jury has today viewed a car belonging to murder suspect Mark Bridger and the bike that was being ridden by schoolgirl April Jones on the night she went missing. Former slaughterhouse worker Mark Bridger has been found guilty of abducting and murdering schoolgirl April Jones. Lynne Cameron/PA Wire
‘We haven’t got a body to give April a proper burial and that breaks my heart.
‘Lots of people have questioned him, but he’s refused to tell us all along. If he’s lied to police, barristers, the judge, there’s no way he will tell me where my little girl is.’
Police believe Bridger dismembered her body before dumping the body parts at various locations near his home in Cienws, mid-Wales.
A criminal psychologist has claimed Bridger ‘definitely knows how April came to her death’ but warned it could take years for him to reveal exactly what happened.
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