A group of prisoners serving life sentences discussed attacking Mark Bridger to get him to reveal where April Jones’ body before one of them slashed the killer, a court was told.
Juvinal Ferreira, 24, used a weapon made out of a prison-issue razor to slash Bridger from the temple to the chin at the maximum security Wakefield Prison in July.
The convicted murderer and rapist, originally from Gambia, had five years added to his life sentence meaning he won’t be released until 2036 at the earliest.
He admitted wounding with intent and Leeds Crown Court was told Ferreira and other lifers talked about attacking Bridger, who was told he would never be freed for the murder of April Jones.
The former slaughterman has never revealed the whereabouts of the body of the five-year-old, whose funeral finally took place last month.
Jonathan Sharp, prosecuting, said Ferreira ‘claimed people had suggested that if Bridger was attacked, rather than say befriended’ the killer would reveal the body’s location.
The premeditated attack happened three days after Bridger was allowed to associate with other prisoners.
Ferreira fashioned a weapon out of a prison-issue razor with extra blades attached to the handle.

Mr Sharp said: ‘The defendant saw him and walked directly up to him with the blade held between thumb and forefinger.
‘He then slashed him down the face, causing a deep wound extending from temple to chin.
‘He paused for a moment and looked Bridger directly in the eyes, in Bridger’s own words “as if to admire his work or show me who it was”.’
The child killer also suffered a cut to his arm as he tried to defend himself.
He required more than 30 stitches to the face wound, which required surgery under general anaesthetic, and will be scarred for life.
Ferreira, who is believed to be 24, arrived in the UK in 2007 with his mother and the following April he raped and murdered 47-year-old Elaine Walpole in Dereham, Norfolk, after befriending her.
He stabbed her through the neck and there were bite marks on her cheek and chin.
Mr Justice Coulson said life prisoners cannot go around attacking each other with ‘impunity’.