Matthew Champion

Matthew Champion | Has a Master's in development; writes about stuff on the internet.

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Oscar Pistorius throws up in court again as pictures of Reeva Steenkamp's body shown by mistake

Pistorius throws up again as Reeva's body shown in error

Channel: World World December 10, 2019 By Matthew Champion
World War Goat: Is this the best newspaper correction ever?

Is this the best newspaper correction ever?

Channel: UK UK December 10, 2019 By Matthew Champion
Missing Malaysia Airlines jet: Yellow object spotted off Vietnam could be a life raft

Missing Malaysia Airlines jet: Life raft theory ruled out

Channel: World World December 10, 2019 By Matthew Champion
'Spoilt' cheerleader, 18, fails in first bid to sue her parents

Meet the teenager who is trying to sue her parents

Channel: World World December 10, 2019 By Kerry McQueeney
'Doctor' tells patients he found iPhones and keys in their colons (but it's for a good cause)

'Doctor' tells patients he found iPhones and keys in their colons (but it's for a good cause)

Channel: World World December 10, 2019 By Matthew Champion
Ukraine: Barack Obama urges Vladimir Putin to pull back from the brink as Russian troops mass in Crimea

Obama urges Putin to pull back from the brink in Ukraine

Channel: World World December 10, 2019 By Matthew Champion
'Sea of ghosts' as refugees queue for food in Syria

The image of refugees that shames the world

Channel: World World December 10, 2019 By Matthew Champion
The weirdest question a pizza chain has ever been asked and why companies shouldn't engage with joke tweeters

Is this the weirdest question ever asked on Twitter?

Channel: Tech Tech December 10, 2019 By Matthew Champion
Ghostbusters and Groundhog Day actor/writer Harold Ramis dies

Ghostbusters, Groundhog Day actor/writer Harold Ramis dies

Channel: Film Film December 10, 2019 By Matthew Champion
Pussy Riot whipped by militia during Sochi protest

Pussy Riot whipped by militia during Sochi protest

Channel: World World December 10, 2019 By Matthew Champion
Did a four-year-old Syrian boy get separated from his family crossing the desert alone into Jordan?

Syrian boy reunited with mum after desert separation

Channel: World World May 29, 2015 By Matthew Champion
12 people who volunteered to help flood victims

UK floods: 12 people who dropped everything to help

Channel: UK UK December 10, 2019 By Matthew Champion
Why you should clear your search history before putting an iPhone in a news report

Why you should clear your search history before putting an iPhone in a news report

Channel: Weird Weird December 10, 2019 By Matthew Champion
The slowest in Europe: The average London commute takes 44 minutes (Picture: Getty Images)

Tube strike off after unions reach deal with TfL

Channel: UK UK December 10, 2019 By Metro News Reporter
Stop the madness: Second-hand iPhone with Flappy Bird installed on eBay

Stop the madness: Second-hand iPhone with Flappy Bird installed on eBay

Channel: Tech Tech December 10, 2019 By Matthew Champion
How to get to work in one piece during the Tube strike

How to get to work in one piece during the Tube strike

Channel: UK UK December 10, 2019 By Matthew Champion
This is what the Tube map will look like during the strikes

This is what the Tube map will look like during the strikes

Channel: UK UK December 10, 2019 By Matthew Champion

Hunt for man who 'killed sex worker and attacked another'

Channel: UK UK December 10, 2019 By Matthew Champion
RMT leader Bob Crow defiant as unions go back to Tube strike talks

Last-ditch talks to avert two Tube strikes

Channel: UK UK December 10, 2019 By Matthew Champion
Men to go on trial for taking Mr Kipling Cakes from Iceland skip

No charges for men who took food from Iceland skip

Channel: UK UK December 10, 2019 By Matthew Champion